
by Zoy

Original Text: aajka

Based on the finding, majority of the respondents (57%) Agree and 20% Strongly Agree that managing information is everyone’s job whiles only 5% of the respondents Strongly Disagree and another 18% Disagree. This shows that all MA personnel are responsible for all actions to protect and secure all information stored in the information system under their responsibility. Security incidents can occur due to their inability to understand the procedure and security policies issued by the organization management. Personnel are the factor which plays an important role in determining a successful of managing information systems and information which they operate in the organization. Well trained personnel whether the specialists or end-user is essential, in order for them to have the ability to plan, operate, maintenance, execute and exploit the advantage of information security. One way is to make security management as part of their job description and it becomes something that can be considered in performance evaluations at the end of the year.


Revised Text:

Based on the findings, a majority of the respondents (57%) "Agree" and 20% "Strongly Agree" that managing information is everyone’s job while only 5% of the respondents "Strongly Disagree" and another 18% "Disagree". This shows that all MA personnel are responsible for actions to protect and secure information stored in the information system under their responsibility.

Security incidents can occur due to inability to understand the procedures and security policies issued by the organization's management. Personnel are the factor which plays an important role in determining the successful managing of information systems and the information by which they operate in the organization. Well trained personnel, whether the specialists or the end-users are essential, in order for them to have the ability to plan, operate, maintain, execute and exploit the advantages of information security. One way is to make security management a part of their job descriptions and for it to become something that can be considered in performance evaluations at the end of the year.


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