Breathe One’s Last

by Leciram

Original Text: Breathe One’s Last

The breaking of dawn
Scrounged my soul with fear
The fiery scene of death
Upheld me so near.

Hovering the silence
Wondering what’s next
Praying for a sign
Calming my self from grim.

Agonizing in pain
Thanatos and his icy glare
Ensnared in his shadows
Clasping on his wings.

Longing is lengthy
biting the dust is fifthly
eyes without the light
Despise the soul in me.

The waiting is over
truth that scared me most
the light would not strike at dawn
Hush.. love anchors my soul.


Revised Text:

The breaking of dawn
scrounged my soul with fear.
The fiery scene of death
upheld me so near.

Hovering, the silence.
Wondering what’s next.
Praying for a sign,
calming my self from the grim.

Agonizing in pain.
Thanatos and his icy glare.
Ensnared in his shadows,
clasping on his wings.

Longing is lengthy,
biting the dust is fifthly.
Eyes without the light
Despise the soul in me.

The waiting is over.
Truth that scared me most,
the light would not strike at dawn.
Hush.. love anchors my soul.


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