Original Text: Cheating
Doesn’t everyone cheat? Everyday seems to bring enticements to cheat. We saw that many students copying from someone else’s work. Sometime, they gave their work someone to do their work and turn it in as their own work. They were not realizing these could be creating bad behavior. These created a lack of creativity, no sense of responsibility and the students will never gain new knowledge. Cheating has become one of major problems in the education today and it will effect on student’s future.
Students cheat in the schools because of many reasons like they don’t like to study, they are lazy or they have pressure from their parents to succeed. Their creativity level drops every time when they copy or have someone else to do their work. When I was child, I saw that one of my classmates cheated in the exams. He wanted to get better grades without study. He gave his homework to another student. That person did his homework. He also cheated in the exams. He never brought his books in the school. I was always wondering how he got good grades in the exams without studying. He told everyone that he studied night before exams and he passed exams with good grades.
There are many effects of cheating which can hurt students in long way. When students cheat in the exams, they lose their ability to thinking. They are not feeling bad to do that. These could be made them to cheat in the future. When I was in high school, I used to live in hostel. My room-mate used to cheat in the exams. It was really easy for her. She wrote everything on her leg and arm. One time, my class teacher caught her but she did not feel sorry about it. She suspended from her school. Her younger sister saw that and she tried to cheat in the exams. Student who cheats on a test that is graded on a curve hurts everyone else in the class. Cheating leaves a person ignorant and disturbs the future of a young person.
Students feel good to cheat in short term but it will hurt them long term. In my opinion, it is never too late to be honest about cheating. When you admit that you have cheated, you have taken the first step toward making amends. Others will respect you for it. If you do not learn it now, you will not learn it in the future.
Revised Text:
Doesn’t everyone cheat? Every day seems to bring enticements to cheat. We see many students copying from someone else's work. Sometimes, they give their work to someone else to do and turn it in as their own work. They were not realizing that these actions could be creating bad behavior. These cause a lack of creativity, no sense of responsibility and the students will never gain new knowledge. Cheating has become one of major problems in education today and it will have an effect on the student’s future.
Students cheat in schools because of many reasons; like they don’t like to study, they are lazy, or they have pressures from their parents to succeed. Their creativity level drops every time they copy or have someone else to do their work.
When I was child, I saw that one of my classmates cheated in the exams. He wanted to get better grades without studying. He gave his homework to another student and that person did it. He also cheated in the exams. He never brought his books to school. I was always wondering how he got good grades in the exams without studying. He told everyone that he studied the night before exams and he passed the exams with good grades.
There are many effects of cheating which can hurt students in the long run. When students cheat in the exams, they lose their ability to think. They do not feel bad doing that. This could make them cheat more in the future. When I was in high school, I used to live in a hostel. My room-mate used to cheat in the exams, it was really easy for her. She wrote everything on her leg and arm. One time, my class teacher caught her but she did not feel sorry about it. She was suspended from her school. Her younger sister saw that and she tried to cheat in the exams.
Students who cheat on a test that is graded on a curve hurt everyone else in the class. Cheating leaves a person ignorant and disturbs the future of a young person.
Students feel good cheating in the short term, but it will hurt them in the long term. In my opinion, it is never too late to be honest about cheating. When you admit that you have cheated, you have taken the first step toward making amends and others will respect you for it. If you do not learn it now, you will not learn it in the future.
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