English Final
Original Text: English Final
Consider you’re the reading ability and background of your audiences before you write. If you are writing for a class taught by a college professor, you can write at a higher level than if your massage will be read by adults where English is their second language. It is equally important to avoid talking over your readers’ heads as it is to talk down to them. Reader’s can tell when you’re trying too hard to impress them and when you are lecturing them. Avoid jargon words specific to an activity- or line of work- unless you are certain they will know what you are talking about. At a minimum, always define your terms.
Certain words and phrases can convey a smug like attitude. Obviously, as anyone can see, and in my estimation, are examples of words that will turn off your readers. Especially if your point is not as clear as you believe it to be. College instructors will quickly detect a superior attitude if it appears in your writing. After all, your instructors are looking to see if you can provide a straight-forward, intelligent discussion of ideas in your writing assignments. Not a show off of your mental-superiority.
Revised Text:
Consider the reading ability and background of your audiences before you write. If you are writing for a class taught by a college professor, you can write at a higher level than if your massage would be read by adults, where English is their second language. It is equally important to avoid talking over your readers’ heads, as it is talking down to them. Readers can tell when you’re trying too hard to impress them, and when you are lecturing them. Avoid "jargon words" specific to an activity or line of work, unless you are certain they will know what you are talking about. At a minimum, always define your terms.
Certain words and phrases can convey a smug attitude and, in my estimation, will turn off your readers, especially if your point is not as clear as you believe it to be. College instructors will quickly detect a superior attitude if it appears in your writing. After all, your instructors are looking to see if you can provide a straight-forward, intelligent discussion of ideas in your writing assignments, not showing off your mental superiority.
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