Losing All Hope

Original Text: Losing All Hope

I hate people who look down upon me. But if someone looks down upon you it’s not really their fault it’s yours who has given them the leverage to do so.
I am looking for a solace, but have failed to find it. Whenever I had felt low in the past, when life seemed relentless; my hopes from my future had given me the power to endure. The part hate I about future is that it becomes present before you even realize. The life in dreams is much more beautiful than actual one.
I feel so helpless that I don’t even have the courage to dream. The life is at the verge where all the dreams will die and I’ll understand how ruthless reality is. Reality has the power and the heart to shatter your dreams in a way you can never imagine. Let it be, like I care.


Revised Text:

I hate people who look down on me, but if someone looks down on you it’s not really their fault, it’s yours. You have given them the leverage to do so.

I am looking for solace, but have failed to find it. Whenever I have felt low in the past, when life seemed relentless, my hopes for the future have given me the power to endure. What I hate about the future, is that it becomes the present before you even realize it. Life in dreams is much more beautiful than the actual one.

I feel so helpless that I don’t even have the courage to dream. Life is on the edge where all the dreams will die, and I’ll understand how ruthless reality is. Reality has the power and the heart to shatter your dreams in a way you can never imagine.

Let it be. Like I care.


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