Payment Letter

by Jessica Martinez
(Syracuse, NY)

Original Text: Payment Letter


Please send Brian the total amount of $4,000 which includes $800 of interest in the payment. I would have preferred to give him the money personally before I settled in Turkey permanently , but I never received a call from him. Please wish me all the best in all my endeavors.

Best wishes,



Revised Text:


Please send Brian the total payment amount of $4,000, which includes $800 in interest.

I would have preferred to give him the money personally before I settled in Turkey permanently, but I never received a call from him. Please wish me all the best in all my endeavors.

Best wishes,



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Jan 11, 2012
سلام NEW
by: Anonymous

رزيابي کیفی رودخانه چشمه کیله تنکابن با استفاده از شاخص های زیستی درشت بيمهرگان كفزي

Mar 29, 2011
A short comment
by: Liudmila

Good sample of payment letter

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