Original Text: Tiffany
Sometimes, what society consider a failure one moment is hailed as a brilliant success the next moment, for instance, Vincent Van Gogh could not sell his art during his lifetime. Now, he is revered. One of the most renowned artists in modern history. Another example is the film It's a Wonderful Life. It may be hard to believe that one of America's favorite Christmas movies were not successful in its initial box office run. Yet in 1946, it did not make enough money to break even people thought the director had lost his magical touch. These examples and more provides hope and encouragement to today's struggling artists
Revised Text:
Sometimes, what society considers a failure one moment, is hailed as a brilliant success the next moment. For instance, Vincent Van Gogh could not sell his art during his lifetime. Now, he is revered as one of the most renowned artists in modern history. Another example is the film "It's a Wonderful Life". It may be hard to believe that one of America's favorite Christmas movies was not successful in its initial box office run. Yet, in 1946, it did not make enough money to break even. People thought the director had lost his magical touch. These examples, and more, provide hope and encouragement to today's struggling artists
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