We The People
by Yakoobbw
(Karachi, Pakistan)
Original Text: We The People
Such kinds of crimes are no less than any other heinous crimes that are committed in the present day.
It Is a shameful picture painted on the ethical principal of human race, that illustrate us as beasts rather than human beings, it is also equally shameful to see that right under our nose these activities are being carried on full fledge; A quote below gives us the answer why such things are happening in our so called civilized society;
“The world suffers so much not because of the violence of bad people but because of the silence of good people.”
We cheat our conscious and give a blind eye to such matters, which indeed is extremely sad and disheartening. We can only keep our fingers crossed and hope for the consciousness of the people to wake up and do the needful coercively and with an indomitable will,
Human life is at stake mostly due to the random and targeted killings by the terrorist gangs who the sake of dictating their inhuman and unethical terms and attain dictatorship to fulfill their selfish means. Preventing this is indeed an enormous job, as being pursued by developed and underdeveloped countries by means of military might etc, attacking the strong holds of these groups with military arsenal, but this seams to be of no avail, at least not up to the mark.
It is high time we should resort to peaceful means along with the show of strength by which it is most likely to accomplish positive results. As our object bear some positive result we can cut down on show of strength and turn more and more to the peaceful ways, ultimately ending up the aggressiveness in such people, which then will help them lead a sensible, greed free civilized life having due respect towards human values.
This method will need a broad based teaching method by means of the media and man power like the preaching of love and peace which should be for all mankind without any discrimination as preached by the preachers of some civilized religion, who impress upon their listeners to avoid aggressive mentality and practicing self control to avoid the evil qualities of greed and envy.
This preaching should be done collectively as well as by the individuals by means of,
News papers
Educational institutions
Pamphlets distributions
Preaching by religious pundits
Door to door campaign
Revised Text:
These kinds of crimes are no less heinous than any other that are committed in the present day.
It Is a shameful picture that is painted on the ethical principals of the human race. They illustrate us as beasts, rather than human beings. It is also equally shameful to see that, right under our noses, these activities are being carried constantly. The quotation below gives us the answer to why such things are happening in our so called "civilized" society.
“The world suffers so much not because of the violence of bad people but because of the silence of good people.”
We cheat our consciousness and turn a blind eye to such matters, which indeed is extremely sad and disheartening. We can only keep our fingers crossed and hope for the awareness of the people to wake up and do what is needed, with coercion and an indomitable will.
Human lives are at stake, mostly due to the random and targeted killings by the terrorist gangs for the sake of dictating their inhuman and unethical terms, and attaining a dictatorship to fulfill their selfish means. Preventing this is indeed an enormous job, but is being pursued in developed and underdeveloped countries by means of military might, attacking the strongholds of these groups with military weapons. However, this seams to be of no avail, at least not up to the mark.
It is high time we resort to peaceful means, along with the show of strength, by which we are most likely to accomplish positive results. As our efforts bear some positive results, we can cut down on shows of strength and turn more and more to peaceful ways, ultimately ending the aggressiveness in such people. This will then help them lead sensible, greed free, civilized lives, having due respect for human values.
This method will need a broad based teaching effort by means of the media and manpower, the preaching of love and peace, which should be for all mankind without any discrimination, as preached by some civilized religions, who impress upon their listeners avoiding an aggressive mentality and practicing self control to avoid the evil qualities of greed and envy.
This preaching should be done collectively, as well as by individuals by means of:
Educational institutions
Pamphlet distributions
Preaching by religious leaders
Door to door campaigns
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